Free Representation? DWI Charges And Public Defenders

The US Constitution guarantees that anyone arrested has legal representation. In certain circumstances, you might qualify for free representation. A driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge is a serious situation and you will certainly need some form of legal advice to assist you, so read on to find out more. The Public Defender's Office For those unable to afford to hire a private attorney, one is offered by the public defender's office. [Read More]

Additional Consequences Of A DUI With A Child In Your Vehicle

Making the decision to operate a vehicle after you've had too much to drink is a bad one however you look at it, but things are even more serious when you drive with a child in the car. Such an offense seems improbable, but people frequently get pulled over for drunk driving and have a child in the backseat. The ramifications of this charge are serious, so you'll want a seasoned DUI attorney to represent you. [Read More]

Understanding Taint Hearings For Children's Statements

Despite the fact that children are typically recognized for their honesty, sometimes young children make false statements or claims either unknowingly or in an attempt to please an authority figure, such as a parent. If you're facing criminal charges due to a false or misleading statement made by a child, you may have the right to request a taint hearing. Here's a look at what you should know about taint hearings and false statements made by minors. [Read More]

What Can You Do If Your Child Is Being Cyberbullied?

Cyberbullying is something that is very new in criminal law, and this is because it is something that happens through electronic devices. Even 10 years ago, electronic devices were not nearly as popular, but today everyone has them. If your teen child is being cyberbullied, you may wonder what you can do about it, and here are a few things you should know. You might be able to get something done through your child's school [Read More]