Sex Crime Convictions And Offender Registration: What You Should Know

Being convicted of a sex crime can be devastating to your future. Unfortunately, most convicted sex offenders are forced to report to the sex offender registry in their state for many years after their release from prison. And, the way the laws are written, even something as seemingly innocent as public urination can land you on the sex offender registry. Here's a look at what you need to know about the registry and your options for getting rid of your registration mandate. [Read More]

Great Advice For Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney

If you ever end up receiving some sort of criminal charge, be it battery or possession of drugs, then it's important to respond strategically. You can when you hire a great criminal defense attorney. Finding one today won't be so difficult if you remember this advice. Look For the Right Specialization It's important to realize that criminal law encompasses a bunch of different specialties. There may be some attorneys that deal strictly with battery cases and others that have a more varied legal practice. [Read More]

Understanding Procedural Vs. Affirmative Criminal Defenses

In American law, there are roughly three classes of defenses that can be used when responding to a criminal charge. These are procedural defenses, affirmatives ones, and negative ones. Note that they are not mutually exclusive, and a criminal law attorney may elect to use any of the three strategies to protect a client's rights and freedom. Let's take a look at what these defenses are and how they might be employed. [Read More]